
Celebrating individuality

Skoda – Intro BG Image
Skoda – Device Full Centre – 1

Frank PR & Skoda

Website Design

Another Blank Page

Creative Lead & Designer

As the creative lead and designer, I collaborated with Skoda, a renowned automotive brand, to create a unique campaign that celebrates individuality and encourages people to embrace their true selves. Our solution was the "I Gotta Be Me" Index, an interactive and shareable tool designed to measure how comfortable people are in their own skin.

The project's primary goals were to drive traffic to the ŠKODA UK website, provide an outcome that can be shared on social media, and increase awareness of the wider campaign.


This project required the development of a user-friendly calculation tool that had a newsworthy hook and was integrated seamlessly with social media platforms. Additionally, it needed to incorporate new or innovative technology to make the experience engaging and shareable.

As the creative lead and designer, I spearheaded the collaboration with Frank PR to develop the structure of the user journey, ensuring that the experience was engaging and stayed true to the campaign's core message. The following steps were taken to deliver the project:

  1. Development and presentation of microsite concept: I created a comprehensive storyboard, mood board, and visual mockups to present our vision for the microsite to the client. These materials helped convey the overall design aesthetic and the intended user interactions.
  2. Delivery of advanced prototype: Once the concept was approved, I developed an advanced prototype that showcased animations, transitions, and other interactive elements. This prototype allowed the client to experience the look and feel of the final product and provide valuable feedback.
  3. Complete design of microsite for both desktop and mobile: After incorporating the client's feedback, I proceeded to design the complete microsite, ensuring a seamless and visually appealing experience across both desktop and mobile devices. I paid close attention to responsiveness and usability, making sure that the quiz and sharing features worked flawlessly on all platforms.

As the creative lead and designer, my contributions to the "I Gotta Be Me" Index helped to generate additional buzz around the campaign, driving traffic to the ŠKODA UK website. The interactive quiz's shareable nature led to increased engagement on social media platforms, ultimately raising awareness of the wider campaign.

Skoda – Overlayed Devices
Skoda – Device Full Centre – 3
Skoda – Phones

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